Tecno Floor-Autonivelant me kohë tharje të shpejtë për spesorë deri 10 mm.

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Sack (1 Pack)
Cement based powder form product and sand with selected granulometry, synthetic resins and additives which fasten significantly the solidifying process. Self-levelling effect offering good workability and laying and flat smooth surface. It is shaped in a uniform way in a few hours without causing shrinkage. Resistant to compression and erosion .For interior environments. The cement floors levelling up to 10 mm thickness. The levelling before placing the ceramic tiles, natural stone, wood parquet, pvc, carpet etc. Important Notes: Do not use it in gypsum or anhydride supports. Do not use it on prefabricated concrete elements .Do not use it on metallic surfaces .Do not use on structures subject to strong movements. Mix 25 kg Tecnofloor powder with 6-6. 5 litre water by using an electric mixer with 500 rotations per minute until a homogenous mass is obtained. Then leave the mixture for 5 minutes to rest and mix again before use. The obtained mass is ready for use in about 45-60 minutes. The supports must be flat and stable, mechanically and dimensionally resistant according to the purpose of use; it must be clean of small pieces, oils, varnishes, wax and anti adhesive materials. The cleaning of oils, varnishes, wax and anti adhesive materials must be done manually or mechanically.
Technical specification
  • Packing: 25 kg
  • Density: 1.4 gr/cm3
  • Mixing ratio: 6-6,5 liter of water for 25 kg Tecnoflor
  • Temperature: +5°C to +35°C
  • Brand: Dast
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