Solucion Per Higjenizim Kondicioneri Fulcron Igienizzante Climatizzatori 400Ml-2568

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DESCRIPTION: Fulcron air conditioner sanitizer is an alcohol-based product designed to remove germs and bacteria with mechanical action, but at the same time neutralize and prevent bad fumes that can be generated inside the treatment and conditioning units of the air. Removes musty smell, stagnant water, smoke, etc. It is designed to sanitize internal air conditioner units, whether wall-mounted, console, cassette, ducted and portable. Ideal for air conditioning in domestic and professional environments. Suitable in HACCP plans. CLASSIFICATION: Shake well before use. Open any access compartments, remove the filters and dispense abundantly produced on the entire surface of the heat exchanged at a distance of 15-20cm. Wipe with a cloth and leave to dry. Dispense the product also on the filters after thorough cleaning. Reassemble all the components and close any access compartments. Operate the fan at maximum power for five minutes to ventilate the room at the same time. It is recommended to use it every 7/10 days or as needed. WARNINGS: Do not apply on hot surfaces. Do not use on live appliances. STORAGE: Validity of the product after packaging in sealed packaging and stored at temperature environment: 36 months minimum.
Technical specification
  • Packing: 400 ml
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