AMILA LoopBands have a total length of 208cm (104x2 due to loop) so you can perform a multitude of exercises. The thickness of the tire from the easiest level to the most difficult remains the same, while as the levels go up the width changes. Easy to carry so you can take it with you everywhere, even for outdoor workouts!
Loops bands will undoubtedly become one of your favorite fitness accessories due to their wide variety of uses. From Fitness people to athletes, AMILA LoopBands are used in almost every workout and physical therapy. Suitable for all levels of users, both from beginners for stretching, strengthening and assistance in pull-ups and for more advanced users for Power Lifting, Deadlifts, Dips, sit-ups, etc. As you level up you can either make the exercises more difficult or move on to the next level of rubber.
Use them as counterweights on monobells to help you with pull-ups or as extra difficulty on sit-ups with (or without) barbells, or on various other machines like the AMILA GluteMaster Resistance training has been proven to strengthen muscles, increase endurance and boost » the speed. They are also ideal for rehabilitation and range of motion exercises. Easy to carry you can take it with you to the gym, at home or even outside. Start your workout today by purchasing a resistance band.
AMILA's gymnastics bands are made of natural Latex, and are distinguished by their special resistance even at a professional level, while they are used by many athletes and gymnasts. With its high specialization, the AMILA company provides many solutions and proposals adapted to everyone's needs.