
Human Resources Department in MEGATEK has a responsibility to maintain the culture of the company, which is based on a set of values ​​aimed at advancing the company and the fulfillment of its mission. Our Human Resources Department manages work to attract a skilled work force with energy, which is aimed at meeting the goals of the company, where all together contribute to create a harmonious working environment.

Recruitment and Policies

MEGATEK is an equal opportunity employer. MEGATEK recruitment policy aims to ensure that all the recruits are based on merits, to be fair and non-discriminatory.

Recruitment Policies Goal is:

  1. To attract and build a well-qualified staff and diversified.
  2. To ensure that all the decisions of candidates selection are based on merits.
  3. To ensure that all the vacant positions will be published both externally and within the company.
  4. To support internal recruitment as a very important way to promote employees who promise development.
  5. To provide support to the departments managers who are part of the recruitment process.

Performance Evaluation System

MEGATEK performance evaluation process based on facts and avoids subjectivism. Performance evaluation provides the base for making administrative decisions and the basis for determining training needs, which will improve the performance of employees. Good performance is rewarded with material incentives or even rise in responsibility.

We believe that our employee’s performance has a huge impact on the success of the company so MEGATEK pays great attention to increasing individual performance and employee development.

Send your detailed CV and Motivation Letter:

1. Via e-mail: ose

2. By Post in the following address: 
Divizioni i Burimeve Njerëzore
Autostrada Tiranë-Durrës km 7.
Tiranë, Shqipëri"

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